Incidence of consumption and brands in subjective well-being experience among young people: a qualitative exploration




subjective well-being, belonging, brands, consumption, young consumers


Research shows that consumption correlates with the experience of subjective well-being. However, there is little literature on this phenomenon among young people. This exploratory study aims to know how university students perceive that consumption and brands intervene on subjective well-being and identify the elements they consider in their consumption behaviors aimed at obtaining well-being. A qualitative methodology of phenomenological design was used, with university students from the city of Lima. The analysis followed a process of descriptive coding. The experience of consumption and well-being reveals itself as a phenomenon relative to each person, in particular their sense of need and value framework about material goods, factors that seem to be modulated by their family environment. Young people find in purchase practices and brands a conduit to meet their social needs, specifically belonging and acceptance in groups.


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Author Biography

Lizardo Vargas Bianchi, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas

Doctor en Comunicación Pública por la Universidad de Navarra, investigador y docente de Seminario de Investigación de Tesis en la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas


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How to Cite

Vargas Bianchi, L. (2019). Incidence of consumption and brands in subjective well-being experience among young people: a qualitative exploration. Revista De Comunicación, 18(1), 166–190.


