Style guidelines
1. General Guidelines
The collaborations must be unpublished and presented in digital format (doc or docx of MS Word). Files in PDF format will not be accepted.
The article’s text should have a minimum extension of 5.000 words and a maximum extension of 10.000 words “without bibliographical references). Articles can be presented in Spanish or in English.
Standard fonts should be used: Times New Roman, size 12 points, single spacing and margins 2.5 cm. The texts should be exempt of attributes such as tabulates, headings, indents, etc.
Tables and figures must follow the format APA (7), be listed and have foot indicating the source of the table or figure.
Footnotes should be used only to provide information that cannot be included in the text of the article in cases that are strictly necessary. It is recommended to avoid this resource as much as possible.
Italics should be used for words in a language other than the original language of the article; for book titles, media and television programs; for the presentation of a technical term or keys; to highlight words or phrases cited as a linguistic example.
The annexes, must go after the bibliography.
The works that do not fulfill these criteria will not be accepted; a notification will be sent to the authors.
2. Structure
Two files must be submitted simultaneously: Author Presentation Form and Manuscript.
1) Author Presentation Form, or author identification sheet, contains the following data:
- Article Title.
- Author data: full name, email, institution, position, city, country, ORCID, indexes.
- Authors' contribution.
- Financing.
- Declaration of Originality.
- Cession of rights.
- Conflict of interests.
- Signatures.
Download Author Presentation Form.
2) The original Manuscript according to the structure of the rules. In this document no reference to the author can be given, since this file is the one that is sent to the blind evaluation by experts.
- Title in English and Spanish.
- Abstract of the article in English and Spanish (both are mandatory). The abstract must follow an explicit structure: purpose, methodology, results and conclusions, and original contributions (250 words).
- Keywords (up to 10) in Spanish and English separated by commas.The use of UNESCO Thesaurus decriptors is recommended
- Introduction: nature of research, its purpose, problem, purpose and justification.
- Reference framework: theoretical basis and the context of the study.
- Methodology: the method used the universe, the sample and the reasons of its choice, the tool for data collection and analysis. Additionally, if generative AI tools were used, their application must be specified in this section.
- Analysis of the results: the most important results are described in a logical sequence in the text, tables or figures indispensable, avoiding redundancy of data.
- Discussion: summary of study findings, related to own objectives and observations; contributions and limitations; deductions for future research.
- Conclusions supported in the data of the work.
- Bibliographic references: in format APA 7a edición
Books Review:
Reviews will have a maximum length of 2.000 words. The work will be cited in the same way as specified in Bibliography. The following structure will be followed in the header
- Book title.
- Author / s or coordinators.
- Place of publication, year of publication.
- Number of pages.
- Review
- Bibliographic references
- Review author data: name and surname, email, institution, position, city, country, ORCID, indexes.
3. Bibliography
Citation management (within the text) and bibliographic references should follow the American Psychological Association 7 (APA 7) system, which can be consulted at:
The bibliography must be presented in alphabetical order, according to the surname of the author (or of the first author, if the respective work has more than one). It is essential that the references are complete. Sources that are not mentioned in the text of the article are not included.
The references must include, in all cases that are available, the DOI that identifies them according to the following format:
3.1. References in the text
You must use quotation marks (" ") for textual references only. Extensive citations (greater than 40 words) must be in separate paragraphs, without references, with a larger margin (2 cm from the left margin) than the one used in the text and with a letter two points smaller than the rest of the text (Times New Roman, 10).
The surname of the author and the date of the work are included in parentheses within the sentence. If an author has two or more references of the same year, it differs with the alphabet in order (a, b, c ...).
If the sentence includes the surname of the author, only the date is written in parentheses. If the author is not included in the sentence, the surname and the date are written in brackets.
If the work has more than two authors, it is mentioned the first time with all the surnames. In subsequent mentions, only the surname of the first author is written, followed by the phrase et al. If there are more than six authors, et al. since the first mention. The bibliography should not include any references not cited in the text.
3.2. Bibliographic references
Articles in academic journals
Surnames, A. A., Surnames, B. B. & Surnames, C. C. (Date). Article title. Title of the publication, volume (number), xx-xx.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the book. Editorial. DOI o URL
Books by corporate authors
Name of the institution or body. (Year). Title of the book. Editorial. DOI o URL
Chapters of the book
Surnames, A. A. & Surnames, B. B. (Year). Title of chapter or entry. In Surnames, A. A. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. xx-xx). Editorial. DOI o URL
Press article
Last Name, N. N. (Month Day of Year). Article title. Newspaper.
Audiovisual product
Name, A. A. (Address). (Year). Audiovisual product title [Type of audiovisual product]. Distributor.
Last name, N. N. (day of month of Year). Title interview. (N. Last Name, Interviewer).
Website document
Last name, N. N. (day of month of year). Title of document. Name of website. URL
Surnames, A. A. (Year). Title. (Unpublished thesis of masters or doctorate). Name of institution, Location.
4. Examples
Azurmendi, A. (2022). Sharenting. Protección europea para la defensa de los derechos digitales de los menores. El caso de España. Cuadernos Jurídicos de Derecho de Familia. Revista de Jurisprudencia y Doctrina, 102, 10-14.
Bolander, T. (2019). What do we loose when machines take the decisions? Journal of Management and Governance, 23(4), 849- 867.
Comisión Europea. (2020). Libro Blanco sobre la inteligencia artificial: un enfoque europeo orientado a la excelencia y la confianza. Oficina de Publicaciones de la Unión Europea.
García-Avilés, J.-A. (2021). Review article: Journalism innovation research, a diverse and flourishing field (2000-2020). Profesional De La información, 30(1).
González-López, R., Negreira-Rey, M.-C., & Vázquez-Herrero, J. (2024). Periodismo en Twitch: análisis exploratorio de las primeras iniciativas informativas. Revista De Comunicación, 23(1), 221–258.
Book review
*Reviews of new books are accepted, no more than two years old
El podcasting en el Perú. Análisis de un medio nativo
Carlos Rivadeneyra
Editorial Universidad de Lima,
Lima, 2022.
191 pp.
ISBN: 9789972456039
Text of rview
Por Alfredo Canchanya Ayala
Universidad de Lima, Facultad de Comunicación, Docente, ORCID, H10
Lima, Perú