Theoretical approaches about the role of electoral advertising in a context of political malaise



political campaign, disaffection, political attitude, democracy, civic sense


We are going to develop a theoretical frame to understand the role that campaigns would have in a context of political malaise. Considering the multidimensionality of the discontent, we are going to conceive the disaffection like the component more related with what Putnam & Goss called ‘the previous conditions for an effective democracy’. Taking into account the results of other studies surrounding the democratic effects of the campaigns, we will suggest that the electoral advertising could help us to improve the civic sense of the citizens from an attitudinal dimension, strengthening our democracies.


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Author Biographies

Pedro Fierro Zamora, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Máster en Comunicación Política y Corporativa por la Universidad de Navarra. Imparte asignatura Opinión pública y liderazgo estratégico en la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez y Escuela de Negocios en la ciudad Viña del Mar, Chile.

Ana Azurmendi, Universidad de Navarra

Doctora por la Universidad de Navarra y Profesora Titular de Derecho de la Comunicación en la Facultad de Comunicación en la misma universidad. Imparte la asignatura Derecho de la Comunicación en los grados de Periodismo y de Comunicación Audiovisual


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How to Cite

Fierro Zamora, P., & Azurmendi, A. (2017). Theoretical approaches about the role of electoral advertising in a context of political malaise. Revista De Comunicación, 16(2), 88–107. Retrieved from


