Media ensembles and educational self-perception: A study of Peruvian users




Media ensambles, media practices, media users, self-perception, educational level, digital media, uses and gratifications, quantitative analysis, technological appropriation, Peru


This study explores the media practices of Peruvian internet users based on their self-perceived educational level. The purpose is to provide an original theoretical perspective on the formation of media assemblages, shaped by the uses and interactions of specific social groups with media outlets. Utilizing a custom questionnaire, grounded in an updated version of the Uses and Gratifications Theory, administered to a sample (n=465) of users from various age groups and socioeconomic backgrounds, we examine the similarities and differences in these media assemblages and their impact on users' agency as critical media consumers. The results reveal that the national context, characterized by technological disparities and the COVID-19 pandemic, has influenced consumption practices. The smartphone stands out as the most widely used device, valued for its immediacy and diverse content. Both less educated and highly educated groups resort to it for information, education, and entertainment. Television also plays a significant role, serving as entertainment for older generations and a source of information for higher socioeconomic levels. The choice of streaming services among different income groups reflects the influence of connectivity and bandwidth. Information consumption is driven by curiosity, while entertainment is used for learning and following trends. Furthermore, there is little planning involved in entertainment and information consumption, although educational content is more planned among the highly educated group. This difference may be linked to access opportunities for educational materials, suggesting avenues for future research.


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Author Biographies

Julio-César Mateus, Universidad de Lima

Doctor en Comunicación por la Universidad Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. Profesor asociado e investigador de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Lima, donde dirige la revista académica Contratexto y coordina el grupo de investigación en Comunicación, Educación y Cultura del IDIC. Ha publicado libros y artículos sobre culturas digitales, medios y educación. Es también coordinador del capítulo peruano de la red euroamericana ALFAMED.,

Giancarlo Cappello, Universidad de Lima

Magíster en Literatura Hispanoamericana por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Profesor asociado e investigador de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Lima. Ha publicado los libros Una ficción desbordada (2015), Ficciones cercanas. Televisión, narración y espíritu de los tiempos (2017) y Ecos y variaciones de la ficción televisiva (2022), así como diversos artículos referidos principalmente a la televisión y el cine.,

Laura Leon, Universidad de Lima

Doctora en Antropología por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú y profesora investigadora del Instituto de Investigación Científica de la Universidad de Lima. Su interés de investigación aborda las prácticas, experiencias y cultura de los niños y adolescentes en interacción con los medios digitales desde la metodología cualitativa y método etnográfico.,


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How to Cite

Mateus, J.-C., Cappello, G., & Leon, L. (2024). Media ensembles and educational self-perception: A study of Peruvian users. Revista De Comunicación, 23(1), 363–376.




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