Comparative analysis on the disinformation regarding the death of queen Elizabeth II in Europe




Disinformation, Europe, Analysis, Hoaxes, Fake news, Elizabeth II, European Union, Fact-checking


Disinformation is currently one of Europe's greatest challenges. In the past years, the European continent in general and, more precisely, the European Union have been suffering from various disinformation campaigns: such as the one that led to Brexit; the parallel health and disinformation pandemic; or the hybrid propaganda strategy following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In this context, the death of Queen Elizabeth II of England has also been marked by disinformation practices that went viral throughout Europe. Therefore, this research aims to delve into the nature of disinformation regarding the death of the Queen in the timeframe between 8 and 22 September 2022, focusing in three European countries, namely Spain, the United Kingdom and France. For that purpose, the study is based on a content analysis of 76 publications published by fact-checking organisation, as well as open-ended surveys with specialised agents on disinformation.

Overall, results show that social networks were the main platform through which misinformative content was disseminated, with Twitter occupying the first position– whereas other previous studies have shown the primacy of Facebook as a source of disinformation. The hoaxes, which generally included images, mainly responded to the typology of misleading and fabricated content established by Wardle (2017). Likewise, the main subject matter of the viral hoaxes was conspiracy theories, focusing on Elizabeth II as the main protagonist. Moreover, the frequency of hoax dissemination was significantly higher during the first week after the death of the monarch and responded to a transnational trend in which the spread of disinformation was adapted to national contexts.


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Author Biographies

Raquel Ruiz Incertis, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Doctoranda en Comunicación, Máster en Investigación aplicada a Medios de Comunicación con Premio Extraordinario. Ha trabajado en medios nacionales y en gabinetes de comunicación con vinculación europea. Es colaboradora científica de la Cátedra Jean Monnet “El futuro de la comunicación europea frente a la pandemia desinformativa” y cuenta con distintas publicaciones sobre comunicación institucional, periodismo y desinformación en el ámbito de la Unión Europea.

Rocío Sánchez del Vas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Doctoranda en Comunicación en la UC3M, cuenta con una beca de Formación del Profesorado Universitario del Ministerio de Universidades español. Ha realizado una estancia de investigación en el Instituto de Estudios Europeos de la ULB y es miembro de la Cátedra Jean Monnet FUTEUDISPAN. Sus principales líneas de investigación son: periodismo, desinformación, fact-checking y política regulatoria europea.,

Jorge Tuñón Navarro, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Profesor de la Universidad Carlos III y experto científico y evaluador externo de la Comisión y del Parlamento Europeo. Dirige la Cátedra Europea Jean Monnet FUTEUDISPAN "Future of European Communication in times of Pandemic Disinformation". Colaborador del Colegio de Europa, del Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública de España y de la OBS Business School. Sus  líneas de investigación versan sobre la comunicación institucional digital de la UE, la política regulatoria europea, la desinformación y la verificación.   


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How to Cite

Ruiz Incertis, R. ., Sánchez del Vas, R., & Tuñón Navarro, J. . (2024). Comparative analysis on the disinformation regarding the death of queen Elizabeth II in Europe. Revista De Comunicación, 23(1), 507–534.




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