Immigration and cultural audiovisual products in the Spanish market


  • Mónica Herrero Universidad de Navarra
  • Marta Frago Universidad de Navarra
  • Mercedes Medina Universidad de Navarra


Spain, immigration, audiovisual works


Immigration has become a social phenomenon with increasing importance in Spain. For that reason, media has put special focus on this issue, not only in news, but also in fiction products for television and cinema. In 2000s immigration topic appears quite often in plots and characters of serials and films. Moreover, immigrants’ communities have become a new target for television programs and channels.


In this paper, we will review the research that has been done about this topic and will make a catalogue of this kind of film and television works. The purpose is to find out the reasons that possibly explain this phenomenon. Those can be a mix of commercial interests, issues of the political agenda or the reflection of a social fact. Hence, we will identify the audiovisual works related to immigration, then we will classify them according to different criteria, and finally, we will raise some conclusions about the causes of this recent development.


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Author Biographies

Mónica Herrero, Universidad de Navarra

Doctoras en Comunicación Pública y profesoras de la Universidad de Navarra. Master en Media Management por la University of Stirling (Escocia). Investiga la economía de los productos audiovisuales y los mercados de la comunicación

Marta Frago, Universidad de Navarra

Doctora en Comunicación Pública y profesora de la Universidad de Navarra. Guionista por la Universidad de California y se ha especializado en narrativa y adaptación cinematográfica, incluyendo adaptaciones de novelas y hechos reales al cine

Mercedes Medina, Universidad de Navarra

Doctora en Comunicación Pública y profesora de la Universidad de Navarra. Master en Arts in Communication por la University of Westminster (Londres) y forma parte del grupo interdisciplinar sobre Fronteras e Inmigración del ICS de la Universidad de Navarra


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How to Cite

Herrero, M. ., Frago, M. ., & Medina, M. . (2022). Immigration and cultural audiovisual products in the Spanish market. Revista De Comunicación, 10(1), 25–50. Retrieved from




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