
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). If it comes from a doctoral thesis or has been presented before in a congress, I specify it in Comments to the editor. New versions of previous publications are admitted only if they present more than 80% novelty or unpublished text. The submission of articles that are originally bachelor's or master's theses is not applicable.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format and meets the requirements indicated in the Manual of Style
  • The sending file is in Microsoft Wordt
  • The text is single spaced; 12 point font size; italics are used instead of underlining; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines
  • The text does not have special automatic formats for word processors (bulleted lists, etc.). Capital letters in titles and acronyms are avoided as much as possible.
  • All the bibliography included is cited in the text of the publication
  • Regarding the age of the information, it is recommended that the data collection, operation or field study be carried out in a period of time not exceeding two years from the date of sending the article to the journal.
  • The authors declare ethical integrity in all scientific research procedures and comply with the ethical commitments of the Revista de Comunicación.

Author Guidelines

Revista de Comunicación is a peer reviewed academic journal published by the Faculty of Communication of the Universidad de Piura.


The publication aims to disseminate high quality theoretical, philosophical, empirical and methodological material of issues regarding communication, developed in both academical and practitioner scenarios. The editorial judgment driving this journal is the advancement of knowledge gained through research on diverse communication issues and its practice.

The content and criteria for selection of articles for the journal shall be in accordance with the purposes underlying the founding ideas that drive the University of Piura.

Thematic Areas

Digital communication, political communication, corporate communication, communication law and ethics, communication for sustainable development, media economics, educommunication, artificial intelligence, film and video game industry, audiovisual narratives, journalism, advertising, marketing.

Target audience

International in scope and open to scholars and researchers from around the world, Revista de Comunicación attempts to cover a range of topics within the field of communication and media studies.


It is a semi-annual periodical journal: it is published in March and September. 


The following kind of contents is particularly appropriate material to be included in the journal:

  • In general studies that deal with different areas of the professional practice of communication: journalism, advertising, audiovisual communication, digital communication, etc.
  • Exploratory or descriptive work to establish new fields of inquiry, that prompt relevant issues.
  • Studies that identify solutions to problems and grant various issues related to practice of communication.
  • Theoretical or conceptual works that posit new perspectives, explanations or viewpoints regarding issues referred to diverse fields of communication.


The Journal has two sections:

  • Research papers: Academic material that presents, in detail, the original results of research projects. The structure of the article should approximate the following format: introduction; theoretical framework and / or literature review; methodology; results; discussion; conclusions; bibliographic references.
  • Book reviews of recent publications in the field of communication.

Manuscript extension

Articles should be a minimum of 5.000 and maximum 10.000 words. Bibliography is not considered within these ranges. Each manuscript must be accompanied by an abstract of 260 words maximum, in Spanish and English. Authors should also include up to 10 keywords, both in Spanish and English.


The journal accepts research works written in Spanish as well as in English. The translated text must meet the highest professional standards and be certified by an accredited institution.
All foreign words within the manuscripts must be presented using italic typeface.

Format and References

All work must be submitted using Times New Roman, in typeface point 12, single spaced.

The author must specify his name, institution, job title, email, city, country, H index, and ORCID identifier, in the Author Presentation Form, and not appear inside the work, unless it is a reference bibliographic.
All manuscripts must follow APA (7th edition) guidelines for reference management. Available in

Tables and figures

Tables and figures must follow the format APA (7), be listed and have foot indicating the source of the table or figure.

Images are presented in high resolution JPG format and are uploaded along with the manuscript.

Receiving articles

The usual deadline for receipt of originals, according edition is:
- February 15 - March 15, for the September edition and
- August 30 - September 30, for the March edition.

Sending articles

Authors who wish to contribute to the journal must send 2 files: The Author Presentation Form and the Manuscript to to the OJS system of the Revista de Comunicación. The editorial board will verify that texts meet the minimum requirements specified in  Style Guidelines.

Arbitration system

All articles received until the closing date of the call, original and unpublished, will be refereed. The Editorial Board is the one who, in the first instance, analyzes the thematic relevance, methodological rigor, clarity and minimum requirements, within 30 days from the closing date. Works that do not meet these criteria will not be accepted; A notification will be sent to the authors.

The texts that are approved prior editorial review, will be sent - without specifying the name of the author - to two external evaluators who will evaluate their possible publication.

The Revista de Comunicación uses the double-blind procedure (anonymity of authors and evaluators). In the event that the two reports received on an original are contradictory (Accepted-Not accepted), the Revista de Comunicación will turn to a third external reviewer.

The Editorial Board decides to accept or reject a work for publication based on the reports received from external evaluators on it, and in accordance with the criteria of scientific publication. A form - available to the authors - collects the opinion on the quality of the works in their relevance, originality and clarity of presentation. The article that has been rejected cannot be submitted again for a subsequent call.

All authors will receive a response via email during the twelfth week after the closing date of each edition. Each text may be: Accepted, Accepted with minor changes; Requires 2nd evaluation; Not approved. If the article requires modifications, authors have two weeks to make suggested changes.

Next, the editor - together with external reviewers - will verify that the author has made the changes. If so, the article will be closed. If not, it will be rejected.

Articles that obtain a favorable evaluation by the anonymous double-blind system and are accepted, may have a preliminary publication in the "In editing" section. Its purpose is to share the articles accepted for the corresponding call, without having to wait for the official publication of the complete issue.

Plagiarism Detection

Editorial Board performs plagiarism checks through the Turnitin system - an online plagiarism prevention service created by iParadigms.

External reviewers

The arbitration system uses evaluators external to the Faculty of Communication of the University of Piura to rate the articles and evaluate their possible publication with the double-blind procedure.

Indexing and databases


Book Reviews

Reviews must be of books published in the last 2 years and are presented according to the format indicated in the 
Style Guidelines.

Style guidelines

Please check the Journal Style Guidelines.


Paper: The original Manuscript according to the structure of the rules. In this document no reference to the author can be given, since this file is the one that is sent to the blind evaluation by experts.

  • Title in English and Spanish.
  • Abstract of the article in English and Spanish (both are mandatory). The abstract will be up to 260 words and describes in a concise and impersonal way: the motive and the objective of the research, the methodology used, the most outstanding results and main conclusions.
  • Keywords (up to 10) in Spanish and English separated by commas.The use of UNESCO Thesaurus decriptors is recommended
  • Introduction: nature of research, its purpose, problem, purpose and justification.
  • Reference framework: theoretical basis and the context of the study.
  • Methodology: the method used the universe, the sample and the reasons of its choice, the tool for data collection and analysis.
  • Analysis of the results: the most important results are described in a logical sequence in the text, tables or figures indispensable, avoiding redundancy of data.
  • Discussion: summary of study findings, related to own objectives and observations; contributions and limitations; deductions for future research.
  • Conclusions supported in the data of the work.
  • Bibliographic references: in format APA 7a edición

Working papers

Working Paper: this section is suspended for the next issues of the journal

Book Review

Reviews will have a maximum length of 2.000 words. The work will be cited in the same way as specified in Bibliography. The following structure will be followed in the header:

  • Book title.
  • Author / s or coordinators.
  • Place of publication, year of publication.
  • Number of pages.
  • ISBN
  • Review
  • Bibliographic references
  • Review author data: name and surname, email, institution, position, city, country, ORCID, indexes.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in this magazine and will not be provided to third parties or used for any other purpose.