Immersive feature through 360º video in Spanish news media




immersive journalism, immersive feature 360º video, innovation media, virtual reality, immersive storytelling


This paper offers the results of a content analysis on how Spanish media are using the 360º video feature. Unlike other conventional ways of storytelling, this new modality provides the viewer with a sensation of being really present in a reality that is only being represented, which favors a deeper and more meaningful understanding of it. The study consists of a sample of 147 360º video features produced by 19 Spanish media between January 2015 and December 2017. The results confirm a slight increase in the number of publications in 2017 and a preference for using this format to cover social issues. The main purpose of these features seems to be to show the events in their context. The use of the several techniques to increase the sense of presence is still low.


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Author Biographies

María José Benítez De Gracia, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Licenciada en Periodismo por la Universidad Europea de Madrid, Máster en Investigación Aplicada en Medios de Comunicación y doctoranda del Programa de Investigación en Medios de Comunicación en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Susana Herrera Damas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Doctora en Comunicación Audiovisual por la Universidad de Navarra y Profesora Titular de Periodismo en la Facultad de Humanidades, Comunicación y Documentación de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (España), en donde imparte las asignaturas Teoría de la Comunicación Mediática, Tratamiento de la Información en Radio, etc


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How to Cite

Benítez De Gracia, M. J., & Herrera Damas, S. (2018). Immersive feature through 360º video in Spanish news media. Revista De Comunicación, 17(2), 66–100.


