Applying Neuroscience to the Production of Fiction Series: Enhancing Quality by Optimizing Audience Engagement and Attention Levels
television, production, fiction series, audiences, neuroscience, engagement, qualityAbstract
This article analyzes the application of neuroscience techniques in the production of fiction series to measure attention levels and emotional engagement. Emotional content design has significant effects on the audience, emphasizing the importance of considering their sensitivity. For this purpose, the technology of Sociograph, a neuromarketing consultancy, was used to measure these parameters using digital sensors that detect unconscious changes in the electrical resistance of the skin. Specifically, the technology was applied to a young audience sample who watched the pilot episode of the Spanish thriller Ana Tramel. El juego (ANA. All In). To complement the study, a questionnaire was used to assess the audience’s conscious emotional response. The findings provide deeper insights into the success or failure of content and offer showrunners valuable guidelines for the narrative and emotional design of plots and characters, aiming to produce higher-quality content. The conclusions highlight that prioritizing the audience's emotional sensitivity in creative processes is crucial for enhancing engagement, a factor that has been underexplored so far. Finally, the study advocates for the integration of such scientific methodologies into the creative development.
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Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Grant numbers PID2023-150258NB-I00