Authorship in the coverage of the war in Ukraine: Newsroom work takes precedence over correspondents’ dispatches




war coverage, invasion of Ukraine, war journalism, war correspondents, authorship


The war in Ukraine has grabbed headlines around the world. This analysis asks who is covering it and what this says about war reporting. The advent of the Web and the subsequent polarization of the media pits the constant demand for information against the journalistic expectation of calm analysis. While traditional media seem to guarantee credibility, more and more people are turning to alternative information providers. To explore these changes’ repercussions on war correspondents, this study analyzes 11,268 bylines of the news on Ukraine published digitally by the most widely read newspapers in Spain (El País, El Mundo, El Correo, and La Vanguardia) and the USA (The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, USA Today and New York Post), during the first week of the conflict, from February 24 to March 2, 2022. Through these, the authors’ working relationship with each newspaper is investigated, employing LinkedIn or Twitter when necessary. While relevant literature suggests that freelancers and agencies dominate international news, this analysis concludes that most of the war coverage (65,64%) has been generated in newsrooms, away from the frontline. While confirming the significant contribution of agencies and a decreasing presence of freelancers, it also confirms the survival of foreign bureaus.


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Author Biographies

Elena, Universidad de Deusto

Graduated in International Relations from the Universidad de Deusto and researcher interested in media and communication. She has worked as a project developer in the Projects Department of Finnova. She is currently pursuing an Erasmus Mundus Master's Degree in Journalism, Media and Globalization at Aarhus University and the Danish School of Media and Journalism.,

Miren Gutiérrez, Universidad de Deusto

PhD in Communication and is the Principal researcher of the ARES program (analysis of anti-feminist resistance), funded by the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI). Her interests include media, and data and algorithms as tools for feminist data activism and as a space for political and social debate. She is the author of the book Data Activism and Social Change, London: Palgrave-Macmillan.,

Antonia Moreno Cano, Universidad de Deusto

Doctor in journalism in the specialty of Science, Technology and Health from the Universidad del País Vasco. She currently researches topics related to the social impact of Science, Gender, Health Communication and Cultural Industries at the Universidad de Deusto and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.,


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How to Cite

Campo, E., Gutiérrez, M., & Moreno Cano, A. . (2024). Authorship in the coverage of the war in Ukraine: Newsroom work takes precedence over correspondents’ dispatches. Revista De Comunicación, 23(1), 75–117.


