Llorca Abad, G, Prósper Ribes, J. y Vacas Gómez, M. M. (2023). Anatomía de una serie: sobre cómo realizar y producir una ficción audiovisual







The book "Anatomy of a serie: on how to make and produce audiovisual fiction" addresses, as José Luis Moreno Maicas very correctly indicates in the prologue, this element of popular culture. A phenomenon, that of series, that has a great impact on our way of understanding the world, with fewer and fewer limitations. Nowadays, directors, audiovisual creators, societies and fictions, previously located on the margins of the mainstream or with little impact on the local market such as The Squid Game or The Paper House, obtain unexpected audience shares and contribute to accelerating socialization in the global village. We are, the authors state at the beginning of the work, in the golden age of fiction series.


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Author Biography

Elvira García de Torres , Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera

Profesora Titular del Departamento de Comunicación e Información Periodística en la Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera donde imparte docencia en el Grado en Comunicación Audiovisual. Presidenta del grupo de trabajo de Ética de la Sociedad y Ética de la Información de la International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0392-2401, egarcia@uchceu.es


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Wayne, M. L., & Uribe Sandoval, A. C. (2023). Netflix original series, global audiences and discourses of streaming success. Critical Studies in Television, 18(1), 81–100. https://doi.org/10.1177/17496020211037259 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/17496020211037259



How to Cite

García de Torres , E. (2023). Llorca Abad, G, Prósper Ribes, J. y Vacas Gómez, M. M. (2023). Anatomía de una serie: sobre cómo realizar y producir una ficción audiovisual. Revista De Comunicación, 22(2), 497–499. https://doi.org/10.26441/RC22.2-2023-R2



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