Exploring What Audience Engagement Means for Media Companies





audience engagement, engagement metrics, content production, digital media


In recent times researchers and industry have paid special attention to the concept of engagement and the academic literature on this topic is abundant. Although audience loyalty and engagement are the cornerstone of the media business, not all companies have developed strategies to further engage the audience. Taking audiences' opinions and ideas into account beyond consumption has two main risks: the first has to do with the fact that users are not necessarily experts in the topic as they do not follow the narrative structure of media contents; and the second is that audience reaction cannot be planned because it is unpredictable. A third dilemma arises, namely should such actions be considered part of a global strategy on the part of the company or simply as a marketing action to reach new audiences and retain existing ones? Therefore, some reflection is needed in order to analyze to what extent strategies aimed at increasing engagement contribute to extending the value of media brands and content properties. With this dilemma in mind and after a review of the most recent literature, we developed a questionnaire to find out how professionals and managers of media companies from different sectors define and measure engagement. At the end of the study, we conclude that for companies whose core business is linked to the digital environment, proximity with the audiences is greater than that of the traditional media or those companies, such as audiovisual producers, whose business is directed at other companies rather than, fundamentally, at the public.


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Author Biographies

Mercedes Medina, Universidad de Navarra

Associate Professor at the Marketing and Media Management Department of the School of Communication at the Universidad de Navarra.  She is the leading researcher of the project “Resilient media for Democracy in the digital age (ReMeD)” (2023-2025), European Commission, Horizon 2030 grant and the coordinator of the Media Markets and Media Companies Research Group. Her teaching and research focus on media economics, media companies and media audience research. http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1754-6811,  mmedina@unav.es

Idoia Portilla, Universidad de Navarra

PhD in Economics and Business Administration and professor in the School of Communication at the Universidad de Navarra. She chairs the professional standards committee of the association Insights + Analytics Spain. Her principal areas of interest are audience measurement and the impact of internet on traditional media. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2504-868X, iportilla@unav.es

Tatiana Pereira, Universidad de Navarra

PhD in Communication from the University of Navarra, Spain. She is an associate professor at the School of Applied Management (ISSA) and the School of Economics at the University of Navarra. Her main lines of research are related to the creation and management of corporate brands, with special interest in the audiovisual industry, and the main changes in the management of media branding. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4238-5300tpereira@external.unav.es


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How to Cite

Medina, M., Portilla, I. ., & Pereira, T. . (2023). Exploring What Audience Engagement Means for Media Companies. Revista De Comunicación, 22(2), 339–352. https://doi.org/10.26441/RC22.2-2023-3159




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