Commentaries on John Ford’s humanism


  • Genara Castillo Universidad de Piura


Humanism, John Ford, art, values, identity, maturity, temporality


We depart from a humanism which favors the human being, and in which through his deep knowledge promotes him, impelling him to be better. Thus, we have gone to cinema to see him focused on arts (different from productions that have a sole commercial purpose). Within the film industry as an art, we have paid attention to those great movie directors in which humanism can be found. As an example, we have chosen John Ford. We feel sorry for not having been able to address to other great ones such as Frank Capra, Sergei Eisentein, Ingmar Bergman, Charles Chaplin, Elia Kazan, Akira Kurosawa or other remarkable directors. John Ford is a great film director who goes for the human being; he deepens in him in such a way that he obtains a deep balance in his vision of the misery and the human greatness, avoiding, therefore, any kind of reductionism. He presents us with a view of the human life in anxiety, in search of something that extinguishes his infinite thirst; in that vital plot he highlights the heroism, the passion and the strength on the truth, on authentic things, on the good.


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Author Biography

Genara Castillo, Universidad de Piura

Doctora en Filosofía por la Universidad de Navarra (España) con la tesis “La unidad en la vida humana
(Aristóteles y Polo)”. Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación con un posgrado en psicopedagogía y estudios sobre orientación familiar. En la actualidad, es profesora en la Universidad de Piura (Perú) donde enseña Antropología y Ética en programas de pre y post grado


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How to Cite

Castillo, G. . (2022). Commentaries on John Ford’s humanism. Revista De Comunicación, 6(1), 89–98. Retrieved from




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