The virtue of the justice like axis of the ethical reasoning of the communicator


  • Mónica Codina Universidad de Navarra


justice, ehtics, communication, society


Communicator needs to develop a prudential knowledge. It feeds of the professional experience, but it not only has practical character. The ethical training grows when it is founded on criteria of rationality that philosophical ethics contributes. The present article considers how the virtue of the justice, according Aristotle, can orientate a public ethical communication.


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Author Biography

Mónica Codina, Universidad de Navarra

Doctora en Comunicación Pública. Profesora de Deontología de la Comunicación en la Facultad de
Comunicación de la Universidad de Navarra.


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How to Cite

Codina, M. . (2022). The virtue of the justice like axis of the ethical reasoning of the communicator. Revista De Comunicación, 8(1), 7–25. Retrieved from


