Treatment of pain in the coverage of the earthquake and tsunami in Chile. A look from the ethics


  • Eugenio Yáñez Rojas Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez de Santiago de Chile


ethics, pain, self regulation, cardinal virtues


This article discusses the complex and delicate task of covering events by the mass media. Given the nature of human pain, it is very easy for the journalist to cross the thin line that separates prudent and fair coverage from one performed unjustly and imprudently. The author presents the anthropological and ethical principles that must serve as background when reporting a painful event. This requires the practice of moral virtues, especially of those pertaining to the cardinal order.


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Author Biography

Eugenio Yáñez Rojas, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez de Santiago de Chile

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Osnabrück. Profesor de la Facultad de Artes Liberales de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez de Santiago de Chile. Autor de Medios de Comunicación Social y Periodismo. Una aproximación desde la ética (2007)


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How to Cite

Yáñez Rojas, E. . (2022). Treatment of pain in the coverage of the earthquake and tsunami in Chile. A look from the ethics. Revista De Comunicación, 9(1), 190–211. Retrieved from



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