Adolescence: Identity, Fashion and Narcissism


  • María Elena Larraín S Universidad de los Andes
  • Montserrat Arrieta C Universidad de los Andes


identity, fashion, adolescence, narcissism


This paper aims to present a relationship between different concepts that in appearance do not have a visible link, but if studied in depth, they are related considering a core phenomena: identity. It analyzes identity as the fundamental task in adolescence and it relates this major objective in normal psychological development with fashion and with the impact that female images and stereotypes of models and female bodies presented by the mass media in west societies in general have. At the same time it relates the phenomena of identity with another aspect and trait of contemporary culture: narcissism. It is studied the relationship between an identity that develops narcissistic traits and fashion.


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Author Biographies

María Elena Larraín S, Universidad de los Andes

Psicóloga, Directora Escuela de Psicología Universidad de los Andes. Docente del curso Ética Profesional para la carrera de Psicología. Ha investigado recientemente sobre la Estimación de la Validez de Constructo y Consistencia Interna de la Escala de Impacto de las Imágenes Femeninas Presentadas por los Medios de Comunicación sobre Adolescentes Mujeres.

Montserrat Arrieta C, Universidad de los Andes

Psicóloga, profesora de la Universidad de los Andes.


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How to Cite

Larraín S, M. E. ., & Arrieta C, M. . (2022). Adolescence: Identity, Fashion and Narcissism. Revista De Comunicación, 9(1), 174–189. Retrieved from



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