Business models and editorial strategy: the case on the


  • Alfonso Vara Miguel Universidad de Navarra
  • Carolina Díaz Espina Universidad de Navarra


Business model, financial journalism, The Wall Street Journal, subscription model.


The current research on media business models is characterized by a very high grade of experimentation and the absence of unique answers to the monetization of digital contents. In this landscape, the model of The Wall Street Journal tends to be mentioned as a reference of subscription's model. This paper shows how the most prestigious financial newspaper of the world relies on an hybrid model in which the free content represents the 73% of the whole content included in his website. Furthermore, this paper examines the main traits of the news put behind the daily's paywall, in contrast to the main characteristics of free content.


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Author Biographies

Alfonso Vara Miguel, Universidad de Navarra

Doctor en Periodismo por la Universidad de Navarra. Director del Departamento de Empresa Informativa y profesor de Economía, Periodismo Económico, de la Facultad de Comunicación de la citada universidad.

Carolina Díaz Espina, Universidad de Navarra

Licenciada en Periodismo por la Universidad de Navarra. Realiza su tesis doctoral sobre los nuevos modelos de negocios en el mercado de la prensa.


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How to Cite

Vara Miguel, A. ., & Díaz Espina, C. . (2022). Business models and editorial strategy: the case on the Revista De Comunicación, 11(1), 110–128. Retrieved from


