Some Reconquests of Journalism


  • Ángel Arrese Universidad de Navarra


crisis of journalism, journalism practices and new technologies, journalism as a business


The future of newspapers and journalism is one of the key themes in the current debates around the media. The severe economic and identity crisis being experienced in the sector have raised all the alarms, and every newspaper is rethinking what to do to survive. This article raises the need for journalism to “reconquer” some land lost in these times of transformation. The reconquests that are proposed affect to different aspects of journalism, both from a professional and business point of view.


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Author Biography

Ángel Arrese, Universidad de Navarra

Profesor Titular de Periodismo y Coordinador del Programa de Doctorado en Comunicación de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Navarra. Su investigación se centra en la empresa informativa, especialmente en aspectos de marketing, y en el campo de la prensa y el periodismo especializado en economía. Periodismo económico. Viejos y nuevos desafíos (2010) es uno de los últimos libros en el área.


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How to Cite

Arrese, Ángel . (2022). Some Reconquests of Journalism. Revista De Comunicación, 12(1), 197–219. Retrieved from




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