The infringement of truthfulness principle in radio spot according to the Spanish code of conduct


  • Clara Muela Molina Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Salvador Perelló Oliver Universidad Rey Juan Carlos


Misleading advertising, advertising discourse, ethics codes, code of conduct, ethical principles


The objective of this investigation is to identify and examine the characteristic segments that channel a type of discourse in the form of radio spots that infringes the Spanish advertising code of conduct. The work is focused on one of the most important principles for the consumer: that of truthfulness. The different types of misleading advertising have been analysed by means of factor analysis and its subsequent interpretation, based on a representative sample of radio spots that takes into account their broadcast frequency.


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Author Biographies

Clara Muela Molina, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Profesora de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación, de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, y miembro del Grupo de investigación methaodos.

Salvador Perelló Oliver, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Profesor de Metodología de la Investigación Social de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos y miembros del Grupo de investigación methaodos


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How to Cite

Muela Molina, C. ., & Perelló Oliver, S. . (2022). The infringement of truthfulness principle in radio spot according to the Spanish code of conduct. Revista De Comunicación, 12(1), 139–157. Retrieved from


