Happiness and development of culture in organizations, a psychosocial approach


  • Alejandro Álvarez Nobell Universidad San Jorge
  • José Antonio Muñiz Velázquez Universidad Loyola de Andalucía


positive communication, happiness, organizations, corporate culture


Organizations, economically sustainable, must serve people, inside and outside of them, to contribute from the mission mark, to his happiness. Assuming that the higher the impregnation of organizational culture, the greater degree of happiness among people of an organization are the results of an investigation that allowed linking people’s happiness, a psychosocial approach, with the implementation of organizational culture (meaning belonging and commitment). The case study was conducted in 2011/2012 on a European leader in the distribution sector.


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Author Biographies

Alejandro Álvarez Nobell, Universidad San Jorge

Doctor en Dirección Estratégica de la Comunicación (Universidad de Málaga). nvestigador del grupo Felicicom Lab, y director del Máster Universitario en Marketing y Comunicación Corporativa de la Universidad San Jorge (España) aalvareznobell@gmail.com 

José Antonio Muñiz Velázquez , Universidad Loyola de Andalucía

Doctor en Comunicación por la Universidad de Sevilla, Máster Europeo en Marketing Relacional, Directo e Interactivo por ICEMD-ESIC Business School, Profesor investigador en la Universidad Loyola de Andalucía. jamuniz@uloyola.es


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How to Cite

Álvarez Nobell, A. ., & Muñiz Velázquez , J. A. . (2022). Happiness and development of culture in organizations, a psychosocial approach. Revista De Comunicación, 12(1), 7–31. Retrieved from https://revistadecomunicacion.com/article/view/2729


