Engagement, social networks and international fashion. Harry-Meghan Markle's wedding with





engagement, unconventional ad format, stakeholders, fashion, public relations, royal wedding


The speedy evolution of Internet and the penetration of social networks has changed the way of communicating that was usually had the fashion. Gone are the models of communication that placed traditional media at the centre of their strategic management. The new trends contextualize social networks as the backbone of the relationship with audiences. In this sense, real weddings have become a fundamental tool for the fashion brands participating in the event thanks to their wide potential as an instrument to spread the messages. The text opts for multiple case studies to link the main international fashion brands with special events and goes to the content analysis of the profiles of social networks in which the leading firms have a presence. The results reveal how audiences react to the communication efforts made and the pertinence of resorting to these acts to improve engagement with stakeholders.


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Author Biographies

Eduardo Villena Alarcón, Universidad de Málaga

Doctor en Comunicación Organizacional y Profesor de Creación de campañas en entornos digitales y Dirección estratégica en publicidad del Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad de la Universidad de Málaga

Jesús Segarra-Saavedra, Universidad de Alicante

Doctor en Comunicación y Profesor de Gestión de la información en Comunicación e Innovación en la comunicación de las industrias creativas del Departamento de Comunicación y Psicología Social de la Universidad de Alicante


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How to Cite

Villena Alarcón, E., & Segarra-Saavedra, J. (2020). Engagement, social networks and international fashion. Harry-Meghan Markle’s wedding with. Revista De Comunicación, 19(2), 303–318. https://doi.org/10.26441/RC19.2-2020-A17


