European Actors and Disinformation: the dispute between fact-checking, alternative agendas and geopolitics




disinformation, framing, fact-checking, european networks, Brexit, European Union


The Brexit referendum is a good example of the particular vulnerability of the European project when fighting disinformation. Therefore, EU institutions have developed a series of initiatives throughout 2018 to define a European strategy to counter disinformation that emphasizes the responsibility of social networks in reporting false content. In addition, given the weakness of the European public sphere, the European institutions support the creation of European networks of fact checkers. This strategy implies the denunciation of lies, rather than the promotion of alternative interpretive frames, which authors like Lakoff (2004) consider an error from a framing point of view. Empirically, we demonstrate through an analysis of the main networks of actors on this matter (academics, foundations, think tanks, media, social network platforms and fact checkers) that there is a dispute to define the best way to combat disinformation at the European level.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Tuñón Navarro, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Doctor Europeo en Comunicación y Relaciones Internacionales por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Universidad de Edimburgo. Coordinador Responsable de las asignaturas Periodismo Internacional y Comunicación Europea de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Álvaro Oleart, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Doctor en Información y Comunicación por la Université Libre de Bruxelles, y Master in New Media and Society in Europe por la Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Actualmente es Investigador postdoctoral de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Political Science and Public Administration

Luis Bouza García, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Doctor en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Aberdeen y Coordinador Responsable de las asignaturas Comunicación Política y Unión Europea de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


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How to Cite

Tuñón Navarro, J., Oleart, Álvaro, & Bouza García, L. (2019). European Actors and Disinformation: the dispute between fact-checking, alternative agendas and geopolitics. Revista De Comunicación, 18(2), 245–260.




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