The Crisis of the European Dream: Home and Exodus in the Recent Cinema on Migrants and Refugees (2005-2018)




european dream, independent cinema, european cinema, narratives of encounter, narratives of crisis


In recent decades, the concepts of home, identity and exodus of migrants - common keys to the dreams of American and European prosperity - have been studied in the visual arts, especially in the cinematographic field (Harrod, Liz and Timoshkina, 2015; Celik, 2015; Sternberg and Berghahn, 2010). In this article we propose the crisis of the values of the European dream as a useful key for the study of the works of European filmmakers, or residents in Europe, who between 2005 and 2018 have made a reflection on the social values in the old continent. Among these values, this cinema has approached ideas such as integration, reception and interdependence as signs of a prosperity, on the other hand currently discussed in the common continental household.


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Author Biography

Antonio Sánchez-Escalonilla García-Rico, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Doctor en Ciencias de la Información por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Catedrático de Estética y Teoría de las Artes en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Es Director del Máster en Guion Cinematográfico y Series de TV y Coordinador del Programa de Doctorado en Humanidades: Lenguaje y Cultura


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Escalonilla García-Rico, A. (2019). The Crisis of the European Dream: Home and Exodus in the Recent Cinema on Migrants and Refugees (2005-2018). Revista De Comunicación, 18(1), 277–297.



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