Vol. 17 (1)



Tomás Atarama-Rojas. http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4430-3391
Natalie Menacho-Girón.



Transmedia storytelling and transmedial worlds: A methodological proposal for the analysis of a media ecosystem, case Civil War




Transmedia communication has achieved an important evolution and relevance in the last years, being considered by producers and organizations as a key strategy in the development of new projects, known through a diversity of media and platforms. At the same time, this process is influenced by a participative culture made up the prosumers. In this paper, we want to know how and what contribution brings the variety of media in the construction of transmedia worlds. Therefor it is planted as object of study the media ecosystem of Marvel´s Civil War; the comic began as a crossover and now it can be considered one of the transmedia storytelling more complete and complex cases in relation with the multiplicity of media involved. Is with the analysis of these nodes that we seek to describe the dynamics that take place in the transmedial world.


transmedia storytelling; Civil War; comic; Marvel; transmedial world; prosumer


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Tomás Atarama-Rojas es Máster en Creación de Guiones Audiovisuales. Es profesor de Fundamentos de Guion, Comunicación Narrativa y Storytelling, e investigador en la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Piura. tomas.atarama@udep.pe, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4430-3391


Natalie Menacho-Girón es egresada de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Piura. natalie.menacho@gmail.com

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