Vol. 17 (2)



Martínez-Costa Pérez, M. P. y Müller, M. J.



Storytelling approaches in magazine radio programs in Argentina: description and analysis of radio genres


Received: 17-04-2018 – Accepted: 14-06-2018



The study focuses on storytelling techniques applied in prime-time radio magazines in Argentina. The article analyzes the four leading audience programs at the beginning of this decade. Argentina has a concentrated market, radio penetration reaches 70% and prime time is between 10:00 and 12:00 AM. By means of content analysis of 160 hours of radio programming, use of different radio genres is analyzed in a wide range of prime time programs from news and opinion to fiction and entertainment, including audience participation. The comparative study of frequency and length of each genre, in different programs and different broadcast bands, shows the relative importance of each and the level of use along the continuity which define magazine as a radio format.


radio narrative; radio genres; radio in Argentina; radio programs.

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María del Pilar Martínez-Costa es Doctora en Comunicación Pública, Profesora Titular del Departamento de Proyectos Periodísticos de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Navarra, en donde imparte las asignaturas Información Radiofónica y Narrativa Radiofónica. marcosta@unav.es, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6564-0207


María José Müller es Doctora en Comunicación y Profesora a cargo de Lenguaje Sonoro y Taller de Producción Sonora en la Licenciatura en Comunicación en la Universidad Austral (Argentina). Es profesora en la materia Calidad en la Comunicación en la Maestría en Gestión de Contenidos de la Escuela de Posgrados.mmuller@austral.edu.ar, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2870-3261


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