
Revista de Comunicación is an academic publication of the Faculty of Communication of the University of Piura with a semiannual periodicity. Two issues are published per year in the months of March and September.
The following kinds of topics will be particularly appropriate for publication:
• In general, those studies that deal with the different areas of the professional practice of communication: journalism, corporate and commercial communication, audiovisual communication, digital communication, etc.
• Exploratory or descriptive works that establish new fields of research, or highlight important issues.
• Studies that identify problems and provide opportunities for different topics related to the development of the profession.
• Theoretical or conceptual works that introduce new perspectives, explanations or points of view in relation to a topic related to communication.
2.1. Submitting original manuscripts
Revista de Comunicación is a semiannual academic publication. Publishes 2 issues per year in March and September
The usual deadline for receipt of originals:
- May 15, for the September issue and
- September 30, for the March.
The magazine confirms the reception of articles within 3 days.
The Editorial Committee will carry out an initial review of the received articles in order to ascertain whether they comply with the minimum quality requirements and are in line with the magazine profile.
2.2. Evaluation of originals
Revista de Comunicación only publishes manuscripts that have not previously been published and wich receive a favourable evaluation from two external reviewers outside Universidad de Piura, experts in the subject matter.
During the review period, the author and reviewers shall remain anonymous.
If the two evaluations received about an original manuscript contradict one another, Revista de Comunicación will turn to a third external reviewer.
Once the concepts of external academic peers are received, a decision is made, which can be acceptance with adjustments, final acceptance or rejection.
The journal undertakes to communicate to the authors the positive or negative decision on the publication of their papers in the 10-th week after the closing date of each edition. The communication will be accompanied by the content of the anonymous reports of the external evaluators.
If the article is approved with modifications, the author/s have a three week period to incorporate the changes. Then the editor, along with external evaluators, will verify that these changes have been made. If so, the manuscript will be valued as concluded. If not, will be dismissed.
Accepting the articles and making the adjustments and the precisions to which they occur, these pass to orthographic correction, in which process the particular style of each author is respected. This correction is of form, never of content. The communication is direct with the authors, not to alter the original contents.
If within the stipulated period the author does not resolve doubts or corrections, his article will be published in another edition, until the doubts or suggestions have been fully resolved.
Prior to the publication of the journal issue, the articles will be available with their corresponding DOI in the web of the Revista de Comunicación.
2.3. Regulations governing submitted articles
All articles must be original. They can be written in Spanish or English. They must be sent to e-mail magazine: rcom@udep.pe.
The author is responsible for the authorship of the manuscript in the event of conflict with previously published articles.
The author will send, with the article, the Declaration of Originality, signed by all co-authors, if applicable.
Download Declaration of Originality
The maximum number of authors per article is three. If the manuscript is linked to a research project in which more people have taken part, the other collaborators should be indicated in a footnote.
Revista de Comunicación recommends the citation of scientific publications from the field of journalism, audiovisual communication and advertising.
The Journal has three sections:
• Research papers: Academic material that presents, in detail, the original results of research projects. The structure of the article should approximate the following format: introduction; theoretical framework and / or literature review; methodology; results; discussion; conclusions; bibliographic references..
• Working papers: Dissemination academic material, oriented to the identification of problems in the profession and its possible solutions, as well as studies that introduce new fields of work, which usually requires an early diffusion. The structure should be approached in the following format: introduction; development; argumentation; conclusions; bibliographic references..
• Book reviews of recent publications in the field of communication.
Those interested in publishing must respect the proposed rules indicates at the Style Guidelines.
The editor, along with his associate editors, coordinates the editorial process. Members of the Editorial Advisory Board also participate, when required, in this process to guarantee the journal's quality standards.
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University of Piura (Peru) (http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3324-7478) Principa professor of the Faculty of Communication. She is part of the editorial board of the magazines Mercurio Peruano and Journal of Spanish Language Media. Collaborates as external evaluator with scientific magazines Comunicación&Sociedad, Palabra Clave, y Cuadernos Info. |
Deputy Editors | |
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University of Piura (Peru) (http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1874-1950) Ordinary associate professor of the Faculty of Communication. She is part of the Scientific Committee of the International Congress of Cyberjournalism (University of Porto), IAMRC conferences and the editorial board of the journals Vivat Académia and Comunife. Collaborates as external evaluator with academical journals Cuadernos Info and Media and Communication. |
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University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain) (http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1755-1621) Full Professor of Journalism. She obtained the Extraordinary Doctorate Award. She is the author of 3 books and more than 50 articles published in prestigious academic journals. He is Visiting Researcher of the University of Ottawa (Canada) and University of Texas in Austin (United States). |
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University of Piura (Peru) (http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8423-2751) Ordinary associate professor of the Faculty of Communication. He is part of the Research Council of the University of Piura and is the author of nine books and several articles published in prestigious academic journals. Highlighted with Second Place in the National Contest "University Book", National Photography Prize, among others. |
Editorial Advisory Board
- Ph.D Alan Albarrán, North Texas University (United States of America)
- Ph.D Ángel Alloza, University of Malaga (Spain)
- Ph.D Rosental Calmon Alves, University of Texas at Austin (United States of America)
- Ph.D Juan de los Ángeles, University of Navarra (Spain)
- Ph.D John Dinges, University of Columbia (United States of America)
- Ph.D Luciano H. Elizalde Acevedo, Austral University (Argentina)
- Ph.D Eileen Hudson, Universidad del Desarrollo (Chile)
- Ph.D George Kennedy, Missouri School of Journalism, Columbia (United States of America)
- Ph.D Rachel Kennedy, University of South Australia (Australia)
- Ph.D Jerry Kliatchko, University of Asia and the Pacific (Filipinas)
- Ph.D María Teresa La Porte, University of Navarra (Spain)
- Ph.D Alberto Lopez Hermida, University of Los Andes (Chile)
- Ph.D Manuel Martín Algarra, University of Navarra (Spain)
- Ph.D Maxwell Mc Combs, University of Texas at Austin (United States of America)
- Ph.D José Luis Requejo, University of Carlos III, Madrid (Spain)
- Ph.D Jordi Rodriguez Virgili, University of Navarra (Spain)
- Ph.D Alejandro Rost, National University of Comahue (Argentina)
- Ph.D Elías Said Hung, Internacional University of Rioja (Spain)
- Ph.D Ramón Salaverría Aliaga, University of Navarra (Spain)
- Ph.D Pedro Sigaud Sellos, American University in Dubai (United Arab Emirates)
- Ph.D Alfonso Sánchez Tabernero, University of Navarra (Spain)
- Ph.D Karen Sanders, IESE Business School, Madrid (Spain)
- Ph.D María Soledad Puente, Pontificia University Católica of Chile (Chile)
- Ph.D Silvio Waisbord, School of Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University (United States of America)
- Ph.D Fernando Zamith, University of Porto (Portugal)
6. List of external peer reviewers
Ph.D Jorge Luis Acevedo Rojas Pontificia. Universidad Católica de Perú (Perú)
Ph.D Ángel Alloza Losana. Corporate Excellence-Centre for Reputation Leadership (España)
Ph.D Alejandro Álvarez Nobell. Director General de Comunicación y Medios. Municipalidad de Córdoba (Argentina)
Ph.D Felisa Arribas Pérez. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
Ph.D Leonor Balbuena Palacios. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (España)
Ph.D Carmen Sofía Brenes. Universidad de Los Andes (Chile)
Ph.D Marcelo Brunet. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy (Argentina)
Ph.D Cristian Cabalin. Universidad de Chile (Chile)
Ph.D Raquel Caerols Mateo. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (España)
Ph.D Gloria Camarero Gómez. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (España)
Ph.D Francisco Campos Freire. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España)
Ph.D María Jesús Casals Carro. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
Ph.D Sebastian Castro Rojas. Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina)
Ph.D Carmen Costa Sánchez. Universidad de Coruña (España)
Ph.D Rayen Condeza Dall Orso. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile)
Ph.D Yago de la Cierva. Universidad de Navarra (España)
Ph.D Paloma del Henar Sánchez Cobarro. Universidad de Murcia (España)
Ph.D Cristina del Pino Romero. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (España)
Ph.D John Dinges. Columbia University (Estados Unidos)
MSc. Fernando de Jesus Dominguez Pozos. Universidad Veracruzana (México)
Ph.D María de la Luz Fernández Barros. Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (México)
Ph.D Matilde Fernandez-Cid Enriquez. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
MSc. Myrna Gálvez Johnson. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile)
Ph.D Carmina Garrido Arroyo. Universidas de Extremadura (España)
Ph.D María Francisca Greene González. Universidad de los Andes (Chile)
Ph.D Fernando José Gutierrez Atala. Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción (Chile)
Ph.D José María Herranz De La Casa. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (España)
Ph.D Mar Iglesias-García Universidad de Alicante (España)
Ph.D Carlos Jiménez Narros. Universidad Nebrija (España)
Ph.D Sheila Liberal Ormaechea. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (España)
Ph.D Xosé López Garcia. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España)
Ph.D Rocio López González. Universidad Veracruzana (México)
Ph.D Alberto Pedro López Hermida Russo. Universidad de los Andes (Chile)
Ph.D Manel López López. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (España)
Ph.D Juan Luis Manfredi Sanchez. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (España)
Ph.D Antonio Martínez Illán. Universidad de Navarra (España)
Ph.D Silvia Martínez Martínez. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (España)
MSc. Thelmy Maria del Carmen Mendoza Michilot. Universidad de Lima (Perú)
Ph.D Clara Muela Molina. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (España)
Ph.D Francisco Javier Muñoz Soro. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
Ph.D Adriana Paíno Ambrosio. Universidad de Salamanca (España)
Ph.D Pedro Pérez Cuadrado. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (España)
Ph.D Crisanto Pérez Esain. Universidad de Piura (Perú)
Ph.D Marta Perez Pereiro. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España)
Ph.D Oleksandr Pronkevych. Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University (Ucrania)
Ph.D Javier Puente Pontificia. Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile)
Ph.D Maria Teresa Quiroz Velasco. Universidad de Lima (Perú)
Ph.D Julianna Paola Ramirez Lozano. Universidad de Lima (Perú)
Ph.D Marta Rebolledo. Universidad de Navarra (España)
Ph.D Jose Luis Requejo Alemán. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (España)
Ph.D Diana Rivera Rogel. Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (Ecuador)
Ph.D Rolando Rodrich Portugal. Transmedia Consultoria (Perú)
Ph.D José Luis Rojas Torrijos. Universidad de Sevilla (España)
Ph.D Teresa Sadaba. ISEM Fashion Business School. Universidad de Navarra (España)
Ph.D Elias Said Hung. Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (España)
Ph.D. Magdalena Saldaña Villa. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile)
Ph.D. Ibrahim Saleh. Nile University (Egypt)
Ph.D Cristina Sánchez Blanco. Universidad de Navarra (España)
Ph.D Antonio Sanchez-Escalonilla. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (España)
Ph.D Maja Seric. Universidad de Valencia (España)
Ph.D Sabela Serrano Maillo Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
Ph.D Pavel Sidorenko Bautista. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (España)
Ph.D Pedro Sigaud Sellos. American University in Dubai (Emiratos Árabes Unidos)
Ph.D Maritza Sobrados León. Universidad de Sevilla (España)
Ph.D Marita Solórzano Castro. Universidad San Martín de Porres (Perú)
Ph.D Blas José Subiela Hernández. Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (España)
Ph.D Lizardo Vargas Bianchi. Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (Perú)
Ph.D Mónica Viñarás Abad. Universidad San Pablo (España)
Ph.D Lelia Zapata Palacios. Consultoría de Comunicación Interna 360º (España)
Ph.D Gerardo Albarrán, Unidad de Investigación - Capital Media (Mexico)
Ph.D Francisco Arbaiza, Universidad de Piura (Perú)
Ph.D Lydia Arbaiza, Universidad ESAN (Perú)
MSc. Pedro Franco, Universidad del Pacífico (Perú)
Ph.D Carmen Fuente Cobo, Centro Universitario Villanueva (España)
Ph.D Koldo Meso Ayerdi, Universidad del País Vasco (España)
Ph.D Hernan Pajoni, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (Argentina)
Ph.D Francisco Javier Pérez Latre, Universidad de Navarra (España)
Ph.D Mario Rajas Fernández, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid (España)
Ph.D Xavier Ramon, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (España)
Ph.D Elena Real Rodriguez, Universidad Complutence de Madrid (España)
Ph.D Denis Renó, Universidad Estadual Paulista (Brasil)
Ph.D Lorena Retegui, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (Argentina)
Ph.D Susana Rodríguez Marcos, Universidad Complutence de Madrid (España)
Ph.D Alejandro Rost, Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Argentina)
MSc. Patricia San Miguel Arregui, ISEM Fashion Business School (España)
Ph.D Ana Serrano Tellería, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha (España)
Ph.D Maritza Sobrados León, Universidad de Sevilla (España)
Ph.D Abel Romeo Suing Ruiz, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (Ecuador)
MSc. Guillermo Vásquez-Fermi, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Perú)
Ph.D Enrique Vergara Leyton, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile)
Ph.D Eduardo Enrique Villanueva Mansilla, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Perú)
Ph.D Violeta Alarcón Zayas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
Ph.D Lorena Antezana Barrios, Universidad de Chile (Chile)
Ph.D Jesus Antonio Arroyave Cabrera, Universidad del Norte (Colombia)
Ph.D Natalia Aruguete, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (Argentina)
Ph.D María Jesús Casals Carro, Universidad Complutence de Madrid (España)
Ph.D Javier del Rey Morató, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
Ph.D Erica Fernandez Gómez, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (España)
Ph.D Pilar Ferrer Rodriguez, Universidad Católica de Valencia (España)
Ph.D Pamela Flores Prieto, Universidad del Norte (Colombia)
Ph.D Úrsula Freundt-Thurne, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (Perú)
MSc. Luis Alberto González, Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)
Ph.D Francisca Greene González, Universidad de los Andes (Chile)
Ph.D María Elena Gronemeyer Forni, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile)
Ph.D Fernando José Gutierrez Atala, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción (Chile)
Ph.D María Elena Gutiérrez Rentería, Universidad Panamericana (México)
Ph.D María José Lecaros Menéndez, Universidad de los Andes (Chile)
Ph.D Alberto Pedro López Hermida Russo, Universidad de los Andes (Chile)
Ph.D Beatriz Elena Marín Ochoa, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Colombia)
Ph.D Carla Elisa Morán Huanay, Universidad Facultad de Teología Pontificia y Civil de Lima (Perú)
Ph.D María Teresa Nicolás Gavilán, Universidad Panamericana (México)
Ph.D Glaucia Noguera, Instituto Internacional de Ciências Sociais, São Paulo (Brasil)
Ph.D Crisanto Pérez Esain, Universidad de Piura (Perú)
Ph.D Francisco Javier Pérez Latre, Universidad de Navarra (España)
Ph.D Raquel Ramos, Universidad de Piura (Perú)
Ph.D José Luis Requejo Alemán, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (España)
Ph.D Federico Rey Lennon, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Argentina (Argentina)
Ph.D Diana Rivera Rogel, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (Ecuador)
Ph.D Antón Rodríguez Castromil, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
Ph.D Jose Luis Rojas Torrijos, Universidad de Sevilla (España)
Ph.D Elias Said Hung, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (España)
Ph.D Federico Rey Lennon, Pontificia Universidad Católica dr Argentina (Argentina)
Ph.D Cecilia Salinas Aguilar, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija (España)
Ph.D José Luis Sánchez Noriega, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
Ph.D Enric Saperas Lapiedra Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (España)
MSc. Pablo Schleifer, Universidad del Comahue (Argentina)
Ph.D Francisco Tagle Montt, Universidad de los Andes (Chile)
Ph.D Silvio Waisbord George, Washington University (Estados Unidos)
Ph.D Bonnie Brennen, Diederich College of Communication at Marquette University (United States of America)
Ph.D Renita Coleman, University of Texas, Austin (United States of America)
Ph.D John Dinges, Columbia University (United States of America)
Ph.D Raúl Magallón Rosa, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (España)
Ph.D Charo Sadaba, Universidad de Navarra, (España)
Ph.D Miguel Ángel Jimeno, Universidad de Navarra, (España)
Ph.D Claudio Avendaño Ruz, Universidad de Santiago de Chile (Chile)
Ph.D Luis Benavente Gianella, Universidad de Lima (Perú)
Ph.D María Nereida Cea Esteruelas, Universidad de Málaga (España)
Ph.D Javier del Rey Morató, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
Ph.D Marta Del Río Caballero, Universidad de La Sabana (Colombia)
Ph.D Isadora García Avis, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (España)
Ph.D María Elena Gutiérrez Rentería, Universidad Panamericana (México)
Ph.D Susana Herrera Damas, Universidad Carlos III (España)
Ph.D María José Labrador, Universidad Mayor (Chile)
Ph.D Xosé López García, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España)
Ph.D Alberto López-Hermida Russo, Universidad de los Andes (Chile)
Ph.D Fernando López Pan, Universidad de Navarra, (España)
Ph.D Koldo Meso Ayerdi, Universidad del País Vasco (España)
Ph.D Francisco Javier Pérez Latre, Universidad de Navarra, (España)
Ph.D María Soledad Puente Vergara, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile)
Ph.D Diego Rodríguez Toubes, Universidad de Vigo (España)
Ph.D Jorge Miguel Rodríguez Rodríguez, Universidad San Jorge (España)
Ph.D Alejandro Rost, Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Argentina)
Ph.D Elias Said Hung, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (España)
Ph.D Ramón Salaverría, Universidad de Navarra, (España)
Ph.D Mª Luisa Sánchez Calero, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
Ph.D Yamile Sandoval Romero, Universidad Santiago de Cali (Colombia)
Ph.D Ana Serrano Tellería, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha (España)
Ph.D Michel D. Suárez Sian, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
Ph.D Mariano Ure, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Argentina (Argentina)
Ph.D Ignacio Uría, Universidad de Navarra, (España)
Ph.D Enrique Vergara Leyton, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile)