Call for Papers: Vol. 24, N°2, September 2025


The Revista de Comunicación (Q1) informs the academic community that the call for papers for the next issue Vol. 24, N° 2, corresponding to the first semester of 2025, is open.

Manuscripts will be accepted in Spanish and English. To see the complete list of requirements and submit documents, click here.

About the Revista de Comunicación

The Revista de Comunicación is the academic journal of the Faculty of Communication of the Universidad de Piura that disseminates scientific research in the field of communication. It is published semi-annually: March and September. According to the SJR-2023 Ranking, it is first among Latin American journals in the area of ​​communication.

Revista de Comunicación is indexed in the principal databases, such as SCOPUS, WEB OF SCIENCE, SCIELO, REDALYC, ALICIA, DOAJ, LATINDEX, REDIB, DIALNET, MIAR, C&MMI, CONFIBERCOM, JSM, EBSCO, ERIH+ etc.

The topics of interest of the Revista de Comunicación include: digital communication, political communication, corporate communication, law and ethics of communication, communication for sustainable development, media economics, educommunication, artificial intelligence, film and video game industry, audiovisual narratives, journalism, advertising, marketing.